Day 14 - Cefalu and Caltagirone
Cefalu is another small, seaside town...absolutely beautiful. How can it not be gorgeous when it rings the Mediterranean? The water is's not even blue, it's turquoise.

We had some time, maybe an hour and a half??, to stroll around and look at Cefalu on our own. Some of us went down and at least put our feet in the water. Even though we're on Day 14 and we've been all around the Mediterranean, we had yet to swim in it. Jason, Felicia, Lindsey, and I had all talked at one time or another how we just wanted to dive in the water. We really wouldn't have the chance until we were in Malta...and then it was the ultimate.

After lunch in Cefalu, we left for another small town, Caltagirone. This is home to a Sicilian pottery shop. They only have 10 potters but they ship all over the world. The shop is run by a family...brothers, sisters, inlaws, cousins...definitely a family affair. They would ship to the United States, which encouraged some of us to buy this beautiful pottery! Josh was one of us who got to try his hand and throwing a pot on the wheel. He later asked them if he could buy what he bought. (He couldn't take it because it needed to dry, be fired, painted, fired again...) They said OK. I'd love to see it when it's finished!

Every person got a souvenir, compliments of the pottery company, of a little turtle painted in their traditional colors.
I have to add this last photo of Stephen. He amazed me and I think everyone else with how much he could eat! It was common to see anyone who didn't finish their food to bring their plate to Stephen to see if he wanted it. I'm sure he said no some...but I didn't see it. Here he is on...I think it was his 5th plate, of mushroom fettucini...which truly was delicious!

I know Stephen must have been full by the end of Day 14!
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